Saw this post in Pinterest...

... and BOY did I LAUGH. It goes like this:
"Mother Nature: You can't fit all four seasons into one week!
Texas: Hold my beer!"
I must admit, it's quite accurate. Especially with the so-called "winter" we've just witnessed.
This past month has me thinking mother nature is ahead of herself by about 6 weeks. With temps reaching into the upper 80's we're seeing trees budding and turf greening up in record time. There's still been chilly nights where you'll find me out back by the fire pit, tossing logs on and staring into the blaze. It's extra special when Brad comes out with his guitar and plays for awhile. Gotta Love the crackle of the wood and that out-west feel his playing brings... now if only the coyotes were still around to whoop once in awhile.
To get back to my point about that Pinterest quote: There was ONE particular day, roughly 5 years ago, when I remember this exact quote happened.
Our Daughter and I were at Pine Cove near Tyler, Texas for the weekend. We were volunteering as part of the "work crew" for Mother/Daughter camp at The Shores with some other moms and their girls. HUGE fun running the Dragon (read: GIGANTIC dishwasher in the back) and cleaning up after meals,etc... We spent that morning (after duties) playing sand volleyball down by Lake Palestine, all in out sport shorts etc, because it was sunny a H-O-T.
Super late that night we decided to round out our final evening by playing foosball, shooting pool (or trying to) and popping Jiffy Pop in The Kahuna (2nd floor game room above the lake) to relax before turning in. At roughly midnight we headed back to our cabins, and the first one out the door gave a SHOUT! Needless to say, we ALL ran outside to see what she was going nuts about.... you guessed it: it was SNOWING!
HUGE, fluffy snowflakes were raining down... we all about FELL OVER. So each of us (still in our sport shorts) went tearing outta the Kahuna for our cabins and a chilly nights sleep.
There's never been a time at Pine Cove when I've had to figure out how to turn the heat on in my cabin =]